
CBSE Curriculum

The curriculum has been developed by the National Council for Education Research and Training which was set up in 1961. The NCERT is an apex body with these objectives.
  • Educational Research, its promotion and Co-ordination.
  • Pre-service and In-service training at an advanced level and
  • Organisation of Extension programmes.
It has been doing excellent work in preparing and publishing school text books and reference materials for teachers.
The NCERT curriculum has been evolved by experts and the best teachers across the country. The students who go through this stream develop a healthy National consciousness and a catholicity of out look. The NCERT text books mirror the qualitative focus of the curriculum framers.


We follow the 10+2 pattern of education. We provide for a general education of 10 years leading to the All India Secondary School Examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The following subjects are taught in the school for classes 1 to 10,
  1. English (First Language)
  2. Kannada (Second Language)
  3. Hindi / Sanskrit (Third Language, for Classes 6 to 8)
  4. Mathematics
  5. Environmental Science (For Classes 3 to 5) Science and Social Science (For Class 6 and onwards)
  6. Life Skill Education / Disaster Management
  7. Music
  8. Drawing and Craft
  9. Computer Science
  10. Sports and Games
At plus two level science stream is provided with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry Mathematics, Biology, English and Kannada.
Commerce stream is provided with Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, English,Kannada/Hindi/Mathematics/Entrepreneurship.


CCA Calendar Class I - V

CCA Calendar Class VI - X

Calendar of Events

Admission Open for the Academic Year 2024-25.

We will help you chose a career path that may lead to employment or to further studies and also guide you along the way and celebrate your success.
